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Programme d'aide aux personnes handicapées et à leur famille
Réorganisation des services 0-21 ans
Services spécifiques adultes DI-TSA-DP (1ère ligne)
Services spécialisés DI-TSA (1ère ligne)
Services spécialisés DP (2ième ligne)
Ressources résidentielles, services en DI-TSA-DP pour les usagers et leurs proches
Accès aux services en DI-TSA-DP pour les professionnels et partenaires
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La clientèle DI-TSA vous intéresse?
Répertoire des ressources pour la clientèle DI-TSA-DP
Soutien financier pour adultes participant aux activités de jour DI-TSA
ID : Intellectual Disability
ASD : Autism Spectrum Disorder
PD : Physical Disability
Vous avez besoin de service?
Pour la déficience intellectuelle et le trouble du spectre de l’autisme (DI-TSA)
Composez le 811, option 2 (Info-Social)
Pour la déficience physique (DP)
Composez le 450 627-2530, poste 64922 (Accueil santé Première Ligne (APL))
Definition of diagnoses
Intellectual Disability

An intellectual disability (ID) is a diagnosis given to people who have some type of intellectual impairment. This diagnosis is given to people who, before the age of 18, show major limitations in their mental abilities and life skills. These limitations appear in the areas of conceptual, social and practical skills that coexist with the person’s strengths. To identify these limitations, health care professionals evaluate how the person functions in different environments with people of the same age while taking into account the person’s cultural and language background.
Global Developmental Delay
Children with a global developmental delay (GDD) develop more slowly than other children the same age. The diagnosis of a global developmental delay is generally given to children under the age of 6 who, compared to other children the same age, are experiencing major delays in several areas of development: fine and gross motor skills; cognition; sensory, social and emotional development; language and communication development; and activities of daily living (eating, hygiene, getting dressed, etc.).
A diagnosis of an intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder or global developmental delay can pose different and major challenges for children and their families. It is essential that you get a diagnosis so that your child gets the most appropriate services for their needs.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have problems with communication and social interaction to varying degrees. These problems appear in the areas of:
- Mutual social and emotional interaction
- Non-verbal communication during social interactions
- Developing, maintaining and understanding social relationships
People with ASD can also have narrow or repetitive behaviour, activities or interests that may include:
- Repetition or excessive repetition of actions or phrases.
- An overly excessive focus on familiarity, inflexible routines, or ritualized verbal or non-verbal patterns.
- Highly restricted and abnormal interests that can vary in type and intensity.
- Over-or under-sensitivity to different types of sensory information.
These characteristics can show up early in the child’s development or they may only fully appear when the social demands of the environment exceed the child’s limited abilities. The severity of ASD has a wide spectrum depending on how much support the child gets to function as well as possible.
- Garcin, Nathalie and Katherine Moxness. Le DSM-5 : l'impact de la recherche sur l'évolution des concepts et des définitions du trouble du spectre de l'autisme, du trouble de la communication sociale, de la déficience intellectuelle et des retards globaux du développement. Revue CNRIS Magazine scientifique et professionnel. Vol. 5, No. 1, September 2013, p.4.
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
- American Psychiatric Association, 2013